Saturday, April 3, 2010

One of Gods miracals;

This is Aden, Aden is my 16Th grandchild.
I also have seven great granddaughters.
There will be another great in November.
Perhapes it will be a boy this time.

Perhapes not. Each one is so special.
We love them all.


  1. What a beautiful picture, Dolorers! Sixteen GRANDCHILDREN, SEVEN GREATS?! What blessings you have! That little boy is so cute. Congratz on the soon to be new arrival in November!

    Happy Easter!

  2. ADEN is precious. YOU are so blessed !!
    Congrats on the new Grandbaby.

  3. Happy Mum's Day to you, dear Dolores!!! And what a darling little one this is! I'm going to draw her soon...she's your great grandchild? God bless you!
