Thursday, June 3, 2010


I don't know how that yellow one got in with the blue.

Each morning I go out to put chowder in his run, and I'm so thankful for the beauty of our earth that the Lord has given us to live on. This year for us is especially beautiful because of the rain we have had this spring. The Iris are larger and absolutely gorgeous. I wanted to share them with you. I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The baby raccoons are getting to crowded. It's time to move.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

One of Gods miracals;

This is Aden, Aden is my 16Th grandchild.
I also have seven great granddaughters.
There will be another great in November.
Perhapes it will be a boy this time.

Perhapes not. Each one is so special.
We love them all.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I wanted you to see these beautiful sculptures. They were done by Alvin Marshall, They are carved from Utah Alabaster, and each one is one piece of stone. They also have a story that is told on each one. Alvin is and American Indian who lives in the four corners country. He only sculpts pieces that represent His own people. He is fantastic don't you agree.



Friday, February 26, 2010


Every day my cute grandson would stand with there dog and watch for big brother to come home from school.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Begin with the miracle of your life...
+ all your many and varied experiences
- your pain & sorrow by dividing them with all
those who love and watch over you.
x all your moments of precious and uplifting joy.
Take a big breath of life, and become all that
you can be!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Walking Uplifts

Walking uplifts the spirit. Breath out the poisons of tension, stress, and worry; breath in the power of God. Send forth little silent prayers of goodwill toward those you meet. Walk with a sense of being a part of a vast universe. Consider the thousands of mile of earth beneath your feet; think of the limitless expanse of space above your head. Walk in awe, wonder, and humility. Walk at all times of the day. In the early morning when the world is just waking up. Late at night under the stars. Along a busy city street at noontime.

Wiferd Peterson

Friday, January 15, 2010


I took this picture out of the National Geographic magazine, With all her bangles and beads I just had to paint her.


We were down in California when I saw this pelican on the beach. I had to have a picture.
The coloring was so great I just had to paint it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This picture is called "SILHOUETTES BY THE SEA." The two boys are the brothers to the little girl below. This is the first painting that I have tried to capture the sea so don't judge it to harshly.The boy's are much older now. The one in the water is married to a cute gal. He is the one putting my web sight together. Very talented young man.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is my cute granddaughter when she was about ten months old. She is now all most sixteen and still just as cute. She loves to sing and does a very good job. She lives close to me so I get to see her once in a while. She has two older brothers that look after her, and a mom that takes good care of her. Shes a sweet heart, we all love her.


One year we had terrible wildfires in our state and this is the way the sky looked. It was so beautiful I took a picture and tried to paint it.

Thank You, God

Every morning that I wake up
With God's glory all around,
I think of all my children
and the happiness I've found

God sure knew what wealth He brought me
When He put you in my care.
Troubles never stay long with me
'Cause I know you kids are there.

I think of you each morning
With a heart that's full of love,
Hoping God will keep you happy
As He looks down from above.

Hoping that He'll keep you always
in the shelter of His hand
With health and joy abounding
As you live here in His land.

Every day I look toward Heaven
With thanks to God within my heart
'Cause He gave me all you children
and the joys you all impart.

Mabel E. Evans

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thankful For Each Season

I'm thankful for each season,
Whatever it may bring-
The snowflakes in the Winter
Or daffodils in Spring.
I'm thankful for the Summer sun,
The shower's soft refrain;
He who makes the sun to shine
Also sends the rain.

I'm thankful for the Autumn,
The leaves in color bright.
I'm thankful for each pumpkin carved
That brings a child delight.

It matters not the time of year,
Skies of blue or gray;
Each season's fashioned by our God
In His own perfect way.
Kay Hoffman

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"We Lost Again"

This is the only human figure that I have done. I have seen children look just like this after loosing many games. Including my own children. She or he has such a sad and disgusted look.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bird In Flight

The Jordan River run in back of my home. We get to see so many beautiful bird each year.
One year we had 18 white pelicans land in the pond behind my daughters home, which is next door to me. We have many Canadian geese land in the spring at mating time and the fall on return to winter quarters. This painting is done in pastels and is titled "Hovering."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This is my grandson, he lives in Pairs France, and has become an architect like his father. The portrait is called "Morning Shower" and is done in Pastels.

Monday, November 30, 2009


All the animals 0f 0ur earth, both domesticated and wild give us a beauty and fascination that cannot be equaled by anything else.
I hope in some way in the creation of my animal sculptures that I have been able to capture even a small part of that fascination and beauty.
art by Dollores

Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009


So short a time they have
Before life ends,
These dear companions,
These beloved friends-
So brief a while to frisk
In utter glee
Or droop in dire disgrace
Upon severity.
And man is somehow greater that,
For his one nod,
They'd scale the frowning heavens and
They'd bark at God!

Jade Cat

This Jade Cat was my first sculpture.


O guard, dear pan, so great and wise.
All little beasts with frightened eyes
Who sniff and scrabble in the night
Then scurry off alive with fright.
Hide them in burrow, nest or den
Far from the gins and traps of men.
They ask so little, only these;
Grain from the farmer, mouldy cheese,
A wormy apple in the grass
And nuts for winter store, alas,
How they are hunted out of hand
All up and down their noisy land!
O guard, dear Pan, so great and wise,
All little beast with frightened eyes.

Beulah May.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Orphans; The American Black Bear reaches five feet long and weighs from 200 to 500 lbs. More of a climber than the grizzly bear, it's natural habitat is in woodlands. They mate every two years and usually have two cubs. The cub stay with the mother for two years. She chases them up a tree and then takes off and leaves them there.
I created this piece the year of the fire that destroyed a lot of the Yellow Stone Park and left orphan bears. They truly look like orphans waiting for mom.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ostrich: Ostrich are the largest living bird on earth. They may stand 8 feet tall and weigh as much as 345 lbs. Ostrich live in the desert of Africa and Arabia. They usually eat plants but will eat turtles and lizards. The ostrich can't fly but is known for it's running speed of up to 40 miles an hour. Ostrich are polygamous, each cock has from three to five hens that lay their eggs in the same nest. The cock as well as the hens take turns sitting on the eggs. The cock also protects and tend the chicks. The have good eyesight which helps them to escape their enemies, which are lion and man.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Wart hog; Lives in open country from the Orange Free State to Senegal and Ethiopia. About five feet long. I shelters in old antbear burrows and goes about in family groups, feeding on roots and grasses and anything else it can find. It will often get down on it's knees and shuffle along when feeding, but when alarmed can run fast, tail held high.
Dear Mom,
This is my least favorite of all your sculptures. To my mind he has no redeeming social value, and he's even worse from the rear. I don't know why you would waste the clay it took to make this poor homely fellow. But I guess Wart Hogs need love too. I love him. Mom
Love, Deann

Friday, October 2, 2009

Emperor Penguin and Chick

Emperor Penguin and Chick; They are the only warm blooded creatures that winter on the edge of the Antarctic continent. They survive by huddling in tight clusters. The males during the two coldest months stay at home to incubate a single egg. Which they hold on the top of their feet never putting it down or searching for food. All the males huddle together, to keep each other warm, the ones in the middle moving out to let the ones on the outer edge get warm. When the egg has hatch the mother returns from the sea, they transfer the egg as quickly as they can to the mother to keep it from freezing, and the poor hungry father then goes to the sea for food. Both male and female share in taking care of the chick. worts enemy pola bears.

Giant Panda

Giant Pandas; The giant panda weigh from 165 to 330 lbs., and are approximately 5 feet in height. They are almost exclusively a bamboo feeder. They are very rare animals. There may be fewer than 1000 left. Farming and the increased development of forests continue to destroy their natural surroundings. The baby is lovingly cared for by It's mother. The young panda is very active and playful. Their worst enemy is man.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Walrus; Live in the shallower water of the Arctic seas and being social, haul out in large groups on moving ice. The long tusks are present in both male and female, and can grow to a length of 26 inches. A reported longest length was 40 inches.Walrus grow to a length of 10 feet, and weigh up to 2,600 lbs. with a gestation period of 15 months, one calf is born every two years. The calf stays with it's mother for two years. The mother is very protective of her calf, and will stay between the danger and her calf. Worst enemy MAN

Polar Bear and Cub

Polar Bear; King of the North, It reigns over the world of snow, ice and water, where most animals cannot survive. Standing on it's rear legs it can be as tall as 11 feet, and weigh nearly a ton. Polar bears are graceful and athletic, and expert long distance swimmers. polar bears are built to live and hunt in the frozen arctict. Most of a polar bears life is spent hunting for food which consist of seals and other animals. The mother bear usual have one or two cubs at a time that are born in the snow dens in the middle of winter. In the spring they return to the ice to hunt for food. The polar bear mother is devoted and loyal to her cubs and will protect them with her own life if necessary.

The Boss

Rhinoceros, (Rhino) There are five living types of rhinos, the white, black, Indian, Javan and Sumatran, the largest
is the white rhino. It may stand 6 feet at the shoulder and weigh almost 8 thousand pounds. The skin on all rhinos is dull grey, and though it is very thick it can still be scratched easily.
Rhinos horns are hard all the way through, they use them to plow the ground for mineral salts to eat, and as weapons in fighting.
Rhinos eat trees, bushes, and grasses.
Rhinos have very poor eyesight and they may charge anything just to be on the safe side.

The Cougar

The Cougar, also known as the Mountain Lion or Puma, is the second largest of the new world cats second only to the Jaguar, measuring six to eight feet long , and weighting on the average of 155 to 160 lbs. It's coloration ranges from grayish or brownish to rich cinnamon or tawny. Cougars hunt mostly at night and feed mainly on deer, elk and porcupines.

The Cougar is a solitary animal. The male and female will remain together only a few days during the mating season.

They are an age old victim of fear and superstition. The shadowy Mountain Lion is so elusive that is has also been called the American Ghost.