Friday, February 26, 2010


Every day my cute grandson would stand with there dog and watch for big brother to come home from school.


  1. Oh, my goodness!!! That is the cutest picture--I love it. I am inspired. I want to draw this someday! ((hugs)) It is so good to hear from you--I've been worried about you!!

    Have a fabulous week--It might sound silly, but would you pray for my hubby and me? We lost our beloved little cat yesterday. She was hit by a car while we were at church...

    We will miss her so much...and I can't stop crying. We've had so many losses over the past nine years--it seems like now that the floodgates are open, I might never stop weeping...

    Silly isn't it? When I think of your loss I wonder how you do it? I haven't lost parent or husband, only brother, many over the past few years. One more just two days ago...

    Perhaps it is a good thing to weep? To let the pain out? I don't know.

    I dearly love you and Deann. You are both such marvelous people. I pray God blesses you with great joy this week--and always.

  2. dear Gramma,
    I llloooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee your blog.I hope mine looks something like yours.I'm sorry I didn't write sooner.I'll try to write more.This picture is silly,cute,and beautiful all at the same time.I'll see you next week,I think and hope.please write,call,or email me back.
    l.o.l.(lots o' love),
