Monday, January 18, 2010

Walking Uplifts

Walking uplifts the spirit. Breath out the poisons of tension, stress, and worry; breath in the power of God. Send forth little silent prayers of goodwill toward those you meet. Walk with a sense of being a part of a vast universe. Consider the thousands of mile of earth beneath your feet; think of the limitless expanse of space above your head. Walk in awe, wonder, and humility. Walk at all times of the day. In the early morning when the world is just waking up. Late at night under the stars. Along a busy city street at noontime.

Wiferd Peterson

Friday, January 15, 2010


I took this picture out of the National Geographic magazine, With all her bangles and beads I just had to paint her.


We were down in California when I saw this pelican on the beach. I had to have a picture.
The coloring was so great I just had to paint it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This picture is called "SILHOUETTES BY THE SEA." The two boys are the brothers to the little girl below. This is the first painting that I have tried to capture the sea so don't judge it to harshly.The boy's are much older now. The one in the water is married to a cute gal. He is the one putting my web sight together. Very talented young man.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is my cute granddaughter when she was about ten months old. She is now all most sixteen and still just as cute. She loves to sing and does a very good job. She lives close to me so I get to see her once in a while. She has two older brothers that look after her, and a mom that takes good care of her. Shes a sweet heart, we all love her.


One year we had terrible wildfires in our state and this is the way the sky looked. It was so beautiful I took a picture and tried to paint it.

Thank You, God

Every morning that I wake up
With God's glory all around,
I think of all my children
and the happiness I've found

God sure knew what wealth He brought me
When He put you in my care.
Troubles never stay long with me
'Cause I know you kids are there.

I think of you each morning
With a heart that's full of love,
Hoping God will keep you happy
As He looks down from above.

Hoping that He'll keep you always
in the shelter of His hand
With health and joy abounding
As you live here in His land.

Every day I look toward Heaven
With thanks to God within my heart
'Cause He gave me all you children
and the joys you all impart.

Mabel E. Evans

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thankful For Each Season

I'm thankful for each season,
Whatever it may bring-
The snowflakes in the Winter
Or daffodils in Spring.
I'm thankful for the Summer sun,
The shower's soft refrain;
He who makes the sun to shine
Also sends the rain.

I'm thankful for the Autumn,
The leaves in color bright.
I'm thankful for each pumpkin carved
That brings a child delight.

It matters not the time of year,
Skies of blue or gray;
Each season's fashioned by our God
In His own perfect way.
Kay Hoffman