Monday, November 30, 2009


All the animals 0f 0ur earth, both domesticated and wild give us a beauty and fascination that cannot be equaled by anything else.
I hope in some way in the creation of my animal sculptures that I have been able to capture even a small part of that fascination and beauty.
art by Dollores


  1. beautiful. I am just so touched by these drawings. Inexpressibly so--and they fill my eyes--which is the greatest compliment I can give.

    ((hugs)) You, just like your darling daughter, are AMAZING.

  2. Such passion you have for animals and nature. It is fully evident in your art and your words. We are places on this earth as stewards to wildlife. Unfortunately, all too few follow that task. You capture the beauty and passion God had planned for these mighty creatures. Simply wonderful, my words do not do your work justice. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
